Letter to the WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (www.wildrose.party)
Globalist Elites who have long been colonizing and choking the regions of Canada….using the myriad false narratives (lies) of socialism and environmentalism…will soon discover that the regions are going to leave….one by one….regardless of cost.
We will not forgive Globalist Elites for using socialist/environmentalist marketing boards and import restrictions to ensure that Real-Protein (18 amino acid protein) is so expensive that virtually all poor Canadians eventually become debilitated with hardened arteries, high blood pressure and diabetes. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency should be re-named the Diabetes and Obesity Promotion Agency, until it is disbanded, for the label regulations that prevent Canadians from understanding the importance of Real-Protein (comparable to human milk) for satisfying hunger, for tissue elasticity and for cardiovascular health. No one gets mercury poisoning from fish, ....or hardened arteries from eggs, ....or breast cancers from milk, ....or antibiotic resistance from chicken, ....or heart disease from “red-meat”, etc, etc, etc. These are false narratives (lies) encouraged by government agencies to discourage us from consuming "animal-protein". But almost everyone suffers from obesity, from tissue health problems ....and eventually from diabetes... all....obviously caused by inferior-protein, carbohydrate diets.
We will not forgive Globalist Elites for using socialist/environmentalist land use regulation, designed to force Canadians into cities, to destroy our rural communities and regions. We are not even allowed to build houses or businesses on one-millionth of our land. Canadians were once able to camp and hike on any Public land….even to the high-water mark of any Canadian river or lake. Now, an amazing amount of public land is restricted from Canadians, except regulatory Elites, by our governments. All zoning and building code regulation in rural areas is designed to destroy the independence of rural Canadians by forcing them into urban debt-slavery.
We will not tolerate the use of socialist/environmentalist junk science by Globalist Elites to choke our coal production, to choke our oil production, to choke our electricity production, to choke our lumber production, to choke our fish production, to choke our mineral exploration, to choke our mining production, to choke our entrepreneurial manufacturing, to choke our poultry production, to choke our animal production, to choke our independent food processing, etc, etc. Everyone will be encouraged to produce and market their own products all over the world….just like they do in China and Germany and in every economy that is not a Globalist welfare “shit-hole”. The Canadian Standards Association is merely a tool of Globalist Elites. It should be renamed the Canadian Entrepreneur Destruction Agency, before disbanding it. There is no global warming. It was so much warmer ....for 500 years...about 1300 years ago, that Mediterranean grapes were grown for wine in Scotland, Scandinavia and Russia. The Romans had to elevate roads and walls because of higher oceans over one thousand years ago. Anyone can view hundreds of videos about the fraudulent behaviors of Climate-Change, Globalist Elites. Use the search magnifying glass to find Tony Heller or Patrick Moore on YouTube.
Those who are part of malignant Canadian government agencies that were caught contributing spliced-virus-samples to Wuhan….that were caught deliberately importing thousands of infected people from Wuhan for several months after it was known that COVID was contagious between humans….that were caught preventing us from treatments that worked every time if used early….. that were caught lying and lying and lying while preventing us from access to the truth…..and that are now using COVID as a mechanism to expand the POWER of Globalist Elites .....should be made vulnerable to lawsuits.
Visit: www.LettersToWildRoseParty.locals.com
For a free book, Children of the Constitution Encounter Globalism email [email protected].
Letters to WildRose.Party, an Alberta Independence Party, about the dangers of ignoring injustice while listening to head-rattling-Idiots.
Alexander Mercouris, below, is always a Geo-Political genius, but sometimes this skill is not enhanced by his wonderful humanism. It has gradually become obvious that the Russian "Special Military Operation" in Ukraine is actually a Russian defensive war against “The Collective West” which has never been restrained at all by any humanistic considerations. Indeed, Since WWII, "The Collective West” has destroyed the lives of hundreds of millions of non-belligerants throughout the World, including infants, as it has promoted the domination of the World …first by US Multinational Globalists… and now by US Climate-Change Globalists.
As the Russian "Special Military Operation" gradually became a Russian defensive war against “The Collective West”, then Russian goals surely had to change to include (a) the goal of bankrupting Europe, (b) the goal...
No one wants to tell the brutal truth: Every stupidity that emerges from the mouths of Western Politicians....as well as every program initiated by every Western Government has to "sort well" with the hoaxes (deliberate stupidities) that have been implanted in the minds of everyone who listens regularly to Western Globalist Propaganda Media…and now listens to each other. The Collective West has zero future because virtually everyone in the Collective West is now stupid. How can stupid people choose intelligent leaders? And how can intelligent leaders emerge from within a stupid Collective West?
Trump, blemishes and all, was elected on an intelligent platform for working together to fix health care abuse, working together to fix immigration abuse, working together to bring business and employment back to the US, working together to shut down 800 foreign bases developed only to destabilize the World, working together to minimize pervasive "military-industrial-congressional" corruption....
Letter To The WildRose Independence Party of Alberta (WildRoseNation.com)
Good Americans, including Trump, are so bovine-dumb that they can be made to believe that billions of dollars worth of modern weapons were left with Gitmo Taliban in Afghanistan "by mistake"....and that CIA and Zionist Spawned Head Choppers are trying to make a revolution in Kazakhstan...just North of Afghanistan, between Russia and China...also "by mistake". This is the region central to the "Belt and Road Initiative" proposed by China to bring prosperity to Asia and Africa....like they have already done in China.
Bovine-dumb, but Good Americans, could go to the MoonOfAlabama.org and learn how the Pentagon-Financed-RAND-Think-Tank has long been proposing all of the various "acts of war" that have long been enraging Russians and Chinese,...including the recent events in Kazakhstan….but they won't. Instead, Good Americans will listen to hundreds of trillions of words from the Minions of Creepy Super-Rich American Globalists who...